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1980年 | Received tenure from Department of Painting, The Central Academy of Art & Design (Academy of Art & Design, Tsinghua University) upon master degree graduation;
1980年 | 毕业于中央工艺美术学院(现清华大学美术学院)壁画专业研究生,并受聘留校任教;
1984年 | Solo exhibition at Cheng GuZhai Gallery in Beijing;
1984年 | 应承古斋邀请于北京举办个人画展;
1986年 | Invited by the Japan-China Friendship Association to participate in “The Modern Ink Painting Exhibition” in Japan and received Award of Merit;
Invited by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China to create a mural“The Great Wall ” in the Chinese Embassy in London, United Kingdom; |
1986年 | 应日中友好协会邀请,参加日本现代水墨画展并获优秀奖;
应中国外交部邀请,为中国驻英国大使馆创作大型壁画《***长城》; |
1987年 | Invited to “The 18th International Art Exhibition” in Basel, Switzerland and “The Modern Ink Painting Exhibition” in Tokyo, Japan as the guest of honor;
1987年 | 应邀参加瑞士巴赛尔-第18届国际艺术展,和日本现代水墨画展;
1988年 | Solo Exhibition in RongBaoZhai Gallery, Hong Kong;
Published Mr. Liu Yong-Ming’s first book, Liu Yong-Ming’s Art Collections, with Mr. Wu Guan-Zhong writing its foreword; Published Mr. Liu Yong-Ming’s second book, The Techniques of Gouache, with People’s Fine Arts Publishing House; |
1988年 | 应荣宝斋邀请,在香港举办个人画展,并出版《刘永明画集》,吴冠中先生为画册撰写前言;
应人民美术出版社邀约,出版《刘永明水粉画技法》; |
1991年 | Invited to showcase in a group exhibition, “The Art of Wu Guan-Zhong and His Students” in Beijing, China;
Represented The Central Academy of Art & Design to attend the Opening Ceremony of “The 35th Anniversary Exhibition of The Central Academy of Art & Design” in Hong Kong; Invited by the Japan-China Friendship Association to hold solo exhibition in Tokyo, Nagano and Matsumoto in Japan, with the Cultural Counselor of Chinese Ambassador as the guest of honor; Published Mr. Liu Yong-Ming’s 3rd book, Liu Yong-Ming’s World of Art; |
1991年 | 应邀参加「吴冠中师生作品展」;
代表中央工艺美术学院出席于香港举办的三十五周年校庆展开幕式; 应日中友好协会邀请,于日本东京、长野、松元举办个人作品巡回展。中国驻日本大使馆文化参赞章金树先生出席开幕式并致辞,出版画册《刘永明的世界》; |
1992年 | Received tenure professorship from The Central Academy of Art & Design (Academy of Art & Design, Tsinghua University);
Invited by RongBaoZhai Gallery and Japan Seibu Department Store to hold solo exhibition at Japan’s Seibu Art Square; Published Mr. Liu Yong-Ming’s 4th book, The land of China - Poetry of the Earth,with Mr. Wu Guan-Zhong and Mr. Yang Zhen-Ya, the ambassador of China in Japan, writing its foreword; |
1992年 | 任中央工艺美术学院(现清华大学美术学院)教授;
应荣宝斋与日本西武百货店邀请,于日本西武艺术广场举办「刘永明画展」; 出版画册《中国.大地的诗》,并由吴冠中先生与中国驻日本大使杨振亚先生为画册撰写前言; |
1994年 | Solo exhibition in San Francisco, United States with The Consul General of The People’s Republic of China in San Francisco as the guest of honor;
Published Mr. Liu Yong-Ming’s 5th book, Liu Yong-Ming’s Art Exhibition Collections; |
1994年 | 应邀于美国旧金山举办个人画展,中国驻旧金山***总领事参加开幕式并致辞;
出版画册《刘永明赴美画展作品集》; |
1995年 | Solo exhibition in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia;
Created paintings “The Great Wall ” and “Autumn in Fragrance Hill ” for The Great Hall of The People in Beijing, China; |
1995年 | 应邀于马来西亚吉隆坡举办个人画展;
应邀为***绘制巨幅彩墨画《长城》和《香山秋色》; |
1998年 | Solo exhibition in San Francisco, United States;
Published Mr. Liu Yong-Ming’s 6th book, The Artwork of Liu Yong-Ming; |
1998年 | 应邀于美国旧金山举办个人画展,并出版《刘永明画集》;
1999年 | Solo Exhibition in San Francisco and New York, United States;
1999年 | 应邀于美国旧金山、纽约举办「刘永明新作展」;
2000年 | Published Mr. Liu Yong-Ming’s 7th book, The Techniques of Landscape Sketching, with the People’s Fine Arts Publishing House;
Solo exhibition in San Francisco, United States; Solo Exhibition in Osaka, Japan with Mr. Liu Yi, The Consul General of People’s Republic of China in Osaka, as the guest of honor; |
2000年 | 应人民美术出版社邀约,出版《刘永明.风景画速写技法》;
应邀于美国旧金山、日本大阪举办个人画展;中国驻大阪总领事刘毅先生参加开幕式并致辞; |
2001年 | Solo exhibition in Beijing, China;
2001年 | 应邀于北京举办个人画展;
2002年 | Solo exhibition in Osaka, Japan;
2002年 | 应邀于日本大阪举办个人画展;
2004年 | Solo exhibition in Osaka, Japan;
2004年 | 应邀于日本大阪举办个人画展;
2005年 | Solo exhibition in Osaka, Japan;
2005年 | 应邀于日本大阪举办个人画展;
2006年 | Solo exhibition in Guangzhou, China;
2006年 | 应邀于广州举办个人画展;
2007年 | Invited by RongBaoZhai Gallery to hold a solo exhibition in Beijing, China;
Published Mr. Liu Yong-Ming’s 8th book, Prominent Artists Series of RongBaoZhai - Liu Yong-Ming; |
2007年 | 应邀于北京荣宝斋举办个人画展,并出版《荣宝斋当代书画名家–刘永明绘画作品集》;
2008年 | Solo exhibition in Guangzhou, China;
2008年 | 应邀于广州举办个人画展;
2010年 | Represented China as a leading artist to conduct cultural exchange with France, Germany, Netherlands and Belgium;
The Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp of Holland placed Mr. Liu Yong-Ming’s paintings as part of its private collection; |
2010年 | 应北京市对外友好协会与北京市文史馆邀请,赴法国.德国.荷兰.比利时等国进行文化艺术交流和访问,展览作品由荷兰美术学院收藏;
2011年 | Published Mr. Liu Yong-Ming’s 9th book, Liu Yong-Ming’s Art Collections, with The Tianjin People’s Fine Arts Publishing House;
Exhibited in the Embassy of Finland in China. Painting “Town of Porvoo” was placed as theEmbassy‘s private collection; Represented China as a leading artist to participate in “The Year of Chinese Culture in Italy” event,and received a Metal Award of “The China-Italy Cultural Ambassador” from the Mayor of the City of Rome; The Embassy of Italy in China placed Mr. Liu Yong-Ming’s painting “Autumn” as part of its private collection; |
2011年 | 应天津人民美术出版社邀约,出版《刘永明画集》;
应中国人民对外友好协会与芬兰维萨拉集团邀请,赴芬兰进行文化艺术交流和访问;作品于芬兰驻中国大使馆展出,其中画作《波尔沃镇》由芬兰大使馆收藏; 应邀赴意大利参加由北京市委外宣办、北京商报、意大利意中友好协会举办的「意大利中国文化年」活动;作品展出并由罗马市市长颁发「中意文化使者」勋章;画作《秋》由意大利大使馆收藏; |
2012年 | Invited by the BaiYaXuan Gallery to show case in a group exhibition, “Wu Guan-Zhong and His Students” in Beijing, China;
2012年 | 受邀参加北京百雅轩艺术中心举办的「2012吴冠中师生作品展」;
2013年 | Invited by Chang Foundation to hold a solo exhibition “Poetry of the Earth- Liu Yong-Ming Painting Exhibition” in National Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall, Taipei Taiwan;
Published Mr. Liu Yong-Ming’s 10th book, Liu Yong-Ming Painting Collections, with Chang Foundation; Represented China as a leading artist to conduct cultural exchange with France, Germany, Netherlands and Belgium; The Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp of Holland placed Mr. Liu Yong-Ming’s paintings as part of its private collection; |
2013年 | 应台湾鸿禧艺术文教基金会邀请,于台北国父纪念馆举办个人画展「大地的诗—刘永明绘画展」;并出版《刘永明绘画作品集》;